<aside> 💡 This page was last updated for BetterKeepInventory 1.6


Example Config

The current up to date example config can be found here:

Example Config

Example Config (Development Version)

⚙ Main

Enabled bool

A Quick way to disable the entire plugin.

Debug bool

Setting this to “true” will print a lot of debugging info to the console

Config Version Integer

<aside> ⚠️ Do not touch! If you cange this your config might be overwritten!


Keeps track of the current config version, And will migrate it if required.

Grace bool|integer

How many seconds a player will be spared from being punished by BetterKeepInventory after dying. Setting this to false will disable it.

⚔ Items

The item section of the config is split up into three parts, just like your inventory. These three sections all share the same settings, But are configured individually. The sections are: